Facilities and approaches
Field investigations for research and training are supported by the infrastructure available within the host institutions of EGC and include, boats, pumps, trailers, research diving support, coring devices, probes, fieldstations and workshops.

Bio imaging
Our facilities include a variety of imaging modalities, including super-resolution microscopy, light-sheet and laser-scanning confocal microscopy. Furthermore, we have expertise in optical manipulation, e.g., optical tweezing, and access to the interdisciplinary research infrastructure Center for Optical Bio-Manipulation (COMB)

Atomic Force Microscopy
We use atomic force microscopy to study microbe-substrate or polymer-substrate associations, behavior, dynamics and the strength of the associations. We use soft scanning approaches in air or liquids with or without flow to study associations and behavior and fast scanning to study dynamics. We apply chemical force microscopy to assess relative changes in binding environments and dynamic force spectroscopy to extract thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the interacting bonds.

Molecular Biology facilities
We use microelectrodes to measure chemistry within tissues, cell clusters, and the environment of animals. We also use hypoxia chambers and hyperoxic cabinets to manipulate the environment in experiments. This can be complemented with molecular biology assays that can follow changes of genes, transcripts, and proteins within cells and tissues.

Wet lab
We have a range of wet lab facilities at hand including world class labs for microbial facilities, DNA extractions and sequencing, microbial cultivation, virus transvections, and cell sorting (GMO class 1, 2, and 3). We also have lab facilities for geochemical analysis, sediment processing and sample preparation. We also have the ability to perform molecular biology assays for doing genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics.